
Apps Articles on the Site

Roundtable on June 26, 2012, 11:35: The Inside Scoop on Apps

Jesse and Joe will talk about the inside story of apps (particularly iOS apps). What did the developers talk about at Apple's Developer Conference? What were the apps that Apple singled out for its design awards (and what were their reasons).



Abstraction of App Development

Periodically, we redefine roles and their descriptions in the world of software development. In my first job, we were all programmers except for Dennis who sat in a private office at the end of the hall and, unfailingly, wore a suit and tie. His title was Systems Analyst.


eBook Pricing

Rumors are flying about the possibility of a negotiated settlement to the EU and US Department of Justice antitrust investigations. In all the discussion, one point intrigues me: what is an eBook?

Where eBooks Come From

Sams Teach Yourself Core Data in 24 Hours


Jesse Feiler's latest book, Sams Teach Yourself Core Data for Mac and iOS in 24 Hours is now available from Amazon and other bookstores. 

The second edition has been revised to include the latest updates to Objective-C as well as Xcode 4.3.


Apps as Holiday Gifts on The Roundtable, November 29, 2011 at 11 AM

It's that time again -- time to catch up with the latest from the world of technology. This month, it's apps as holiday gifts. Apps represent a sea change in the world of software development -- less expensive and more focused than many traditional software products, and available for instant download and automated installation on your mobile devices.
